The Blumenthal Family Library

255 Saint Botolph St., Boston MA


The New England Conservatory allows students, faculty, and staff from the ProArts Consortium to use our library as guests; they may use library resources on site, but may not borrow the materials.

If someone from a ProArts school would like to borrow from our circulating collection they may do so by requesting the material through their own institution's library interlibrary loan department.  Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis by sending a request to Members of Fenway Libraries Online (FLO) who are also from a ProArts school continue to have full borrowing privileges.

If a ProArts student is currently cross-registered into an NEC course, they will have full borrowing privileges as if s/he were an NEC undergraduate student. The student should present his/her home institution’s ID card and official documentation indicating the cross registration, and will receive an NEC library barcode. This library barcode will be valid during the semester the ProArts student is cross-registered.