The Morton R. Godine Library
621 Huntington Ave, Boston MA
Massachusetts College of Art allows students, faculty and staff from the ProArts Consortium to use our library as guests; this means that they may use our library resources on site, but they may not borrow the materials.
If someone from a ProArts school would like to borrow from our circulating collection they may do so by requesting the material through their own institution's library interlibrary loan department.
If a ProArts student is currently cross-registered into a course at MassArt, they will have full borrowing privileges as if s/he were a MassArt undergraduate student. The student should present his/her home institution ID card and official documentation indicating their cross registration into MassArt, and they will receive a MassArt library barcode. This library barcode be valid during the semester the ProArts student is cross-registered.