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The Science of Learning: Unpacking Teaching/Learning During COVID-19 (hosted by ACL)

Hosted by the Association for Collaborative leadership, this three part interactive Teagle Foundation-supported faculty development series explores topics related to the science of learning in the time of COVID. You can attend one or all of these sessions. Previous topics have included: strategies to address lack of motivation and engagement, effective methods for teaching and learning remotely, strategies for teaching during crisis and beyond. 

ProArts faculty can register here as non-members.

Once you register for one or more sessions, you will receive a confirmation and a link to a SHORT survey determining the topics most of interest to you. Each monthly meeting responds directly to the pre-survey responses to offer content of interest to the cohort.   Information is applicable to faculty at all levels from any discipline.

Join with colleagues from institutions across the nation and the globe to learn how:

  • the brain responds to uncertainty and disruption and related strategies for teaching and learning in a precarious world 

  • to prepare for a world that will be different and how to help students with the transition 

  • to collaborate and support each other during this semester 

Session Structure:

  • Applying Principles of the Learning Sciences to Faculty Questions and Challenges (20 mins)

  • Going Deeper with Colleagues (25 mins in breakout sessions)

  • Sharing the Learning Across Conversations (15 minute debrief)

Presenter: Dr. Chris Jernstedt is Professor Emeritus of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Founding Director of The Center for Educational Outcomes at Dartmouth College. A consultant researcher on SEPCHE initiatives over the past 11 years, Dr. Jernstedt’s research expertise focuses on all aspects of human learning and the factors that impact learning. His research interests span the learning sciences, quantitative measurement, instructional design theory and evaluation research. Dr. Jernstedt’s work has been covered in The New York Times, Discovery Channel Canada. 

Moderator: Beth Moy, Executive Director, Southeastern Pennsylvania Consortium for Higher Education, President of The Association of Collaborative Leadership